Tourette’s Awareness Day

 Tourette’s Awareness Day

Tourette syndrome is a common neurological disorder that affects about 1 to 10 in 1,000 children. The condition is characterized by movement and vocal tics. If proper care isn’t administered in an early stage, it can develop into significant morbidity. 

Sadly, not many parents are aware of Tourettes syndrome and how it affects children. Tourette’s Awareness is observed on June 7 every year to increase awareness about Tourette syndrome. 

Importance of Awareness About Tourette Syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a common neurological disorder, with about 1% of children and adolescents suffering from it. It’s a type of tic disorder characterized by sudden, uncontrolled movement of muscles in the body. Common tics observed in individuals with Tourette syndrome are blinking, sniffing, throat clearing, coughing, and facial movements. 

While most cases of Tourette syndrome are mild, some cases can be severe and lead to lifelong issues if not managed early on. The problem, however, is that there’s no accepted diagnosis of the disorder, and mild cases often go unnoticed. 

Tourette syndrome is a severe tic disorder, and it can worsen if it’s not diagnosed on time. Hence, everyone, especially parents, should be able to spot Tourette syndrome in children and adolescents. 

In addition, there is no cure for Tourette syndrome, which makes early detection crucial. Treatments often include behavioral therapies, and in some cases, the therapist may also prescribe supportive medication. 

Events and Awareness Campaigns Hosted on Tourettes Awareness Day

Tourettes Awareness Day is a global initiative to raise awareness about Tourette syndrome. Many non-profit organizations in the healthcare sector organize fundraising campaigns on social media to help support research and medical efforts surrounding Tourette syndrome. 

Some countries, such as Canada, celebrate Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month. In Canada, the month is observed from May 15 to June 15. 

How to Spot Tourette Syndrome?

If you’re a parent, you should be on the lookout for Tourette syndrome in your kids, especially before they hit puberty. Here are some common symptoms that could indicate Tourette syndrome in your kids. 

  • Head jerking
  • Eye blinking 
  • Eye darting
  • Shoulder shrugging
  • Nose twitching
  • Mouth movements

In severe cases, you might observe complex tics, including:

  • Repeating observed movements
  • Obscene gesturing
  • Touching or smelling objects
  • Bending or twisting
  • Stepping in a certain pattern
  • Hopping

Sometimes, children could also display vocal tics. These include grunting, throat clearing, coughing, and even barking. In severe cases, children may start repeating their own words or others’ words and phrases. 

Should You See a Doctor?

There are numerous tic disorders, and not all tics indicate Tourette syndrome. However, if your child displays involuntary movements or makes unexplained sounds, get an appointment with a pediatrician. Catching these symptoms early on is crucial, and that’s why Tourettes Awareness Day is crucial. 

Final Thoughts

Tourette syndrome is a common neurological disorder that affects a lot of children and teens across the world. The lack of diagnosis and treatment options makes this condition difficult to manage. Tourettes Awareness Day is aimed at increasing awareness around the disorder, enabling parents to better manage the condition. 

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