Month: November 2021


Fibonacci Day-Nature’s Secret Code

The world is comprised of patterns and sequences. Some of these sequences date back hundreds of years. Yet, they are so commonplace that we rarely notice them. One such sequence is the Fibonacci sequence, which you’ll find in surprising and unexpected places.  Fibonacci Day celebrated on November 23, is an annual celebration to commemorate this […]Read More


National Recycling Day

National Recycling Day is a global initiative recognized on November 15. The purpose of the day is to avoid waste from entering landfills and instead recycle, reducing pollution and environmental impact. Here’s all you need to know about National Recycling Day and how you can celebrate it.  Importance of National Recycling Day Recycling is an […]Read More



STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Sometimes, STEAM is used instead of STEM, where A stands for Art. STEM/STEAM Day is a global initiative focusing on the overall skill development of school children. The initiative is based on the fact that STEAM skills are critical to a student’s overall development, and students should […]Read More